January 27, 2010

Music in Movies

     Background music in movies often goes unnoticed, but it can still drastically affect the feeling of a movie.  The Shining is a perfect example of this.  This movie is a classic horror film, and one of the reasons it is scary is because of the background music.  During several scenes in the movie, the musical score makes the scene.  Even if the scene itself has no emotion, the music gives it all the feeling it needs.
     To provide a specific example, there is one scene in the movie when the mother is walking across the floor of the hotel lobby.  Normally, this would be a very bland scene in the movie, but the music in the background makes the scene absolutely terrifying. It is hard to describe the music, but just imagine the most suspenseful music you have ever heard.  That's it.
     If you take out the terrifying music in this movie and replace it with happy music, it is actually a very funny and light movie.

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