January 11, 2010

Music & Art

     I listen to music every chance I get.  I wake up in the morning and turn on some music to get my day started. I play music when there's a lull in the action of the day. I listen to the music in the caf, even when it's not that good.  I even listen to music when I'm going to sleep, and it's almost impossible for me to fall asleep without it.  As I write this post, I've got my iTunes open and playing away.  It is fair to say that I would not be able to function without music; I just wouldn't know what to do.
     When it comes to the question of whether music is art, my view is very simple.  All music is art.  From the great classical composers all the way to (I hate to say this) the likes of the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus, it is all technically art.  The only differentiation that I make is how serious the art is.  Some music, like any classical piece or well thought out rock song, I consider to be serious art, or something that someone would be proud to display in a gallery or hang on the wall in their living room. This is music that is made in order for the artist or composer to express themselves.  Others, like the aforementioned Disney horrors, are merely doodles, and they have no real meaning or artistic intent.  They are not made by an artist to express any feelings to an audience, they are just fun meaningless drawings in the margins that help you pass the time and maybe enjoy that time a little more.


  1. I agree, music is art in itself, but it truly is hard to actually call some of the stuff we hear today "art". I'm with you completely, Jonas Brothers are no Mona Lisa or anything, but they have they do make "music" and so it is art in some form. Some stuff is like those sculptures that is made out of trash, its garbage to a lot of people, but to some, it is the most brilliant artwork they've seen. I think it relies on the taste of the listener to distinguish true art from garbage, however, in the grand scheme of things, it is all art.

  2. I completely agree. I really liked your comparison of music to paintings/drawings. I, too, find it hard to admit that the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus are art. But they do perform the music, and (no matter how bad it may be) performance is a big part of putting the emotion into the songs, which comes back to me believing it is art because it helps to evoke some sort of emotion. This, to me, is one of the main purposes of art. However, the 10 and 11 year-olds will probably appreciate it much more than we can. Everyone has different tastes.

  3. I would a agree that all music is art and all people who sing music are technically artisits, but i have a hard time respecting some of the music that comes out today. When you have no feeling or emotion behind the music you sing, and someone else is basically putting words in your mouth, that where a lot of today's artists lose me.
