January 6, 2010

Music Culture

     My musical tastes have gone through many phases. When I was very young, I listened to what my parents and siblings listened to, mostly because I didn't have any control over the radio in the house or the car. My parents listened to 80s rock mostly, and my brother was into the hippie music culture of Bob Marley, the Grateful Dead, and Phish. After I started going to school, my friends got me interested in more of the popular music of the time, instead of the 70s/80s rock that I was used to listening to. That interested me for a while, but I eventually turned back to my parents music, because that was what I was used to. It also may have been that 70s and 80s music is better than anything that came out of the 90s.
     During high school, I got involved in the band playing saxophone. This experience greatly broadened my horizons to many kinds of music, more specifically classical and jazz. I came to really enjoy the improvisational style of jazz, and eventually found this element in other musical styles, such as rock and electronic music. I ended up listening to groups like the Grateful Dead and Phish. I have definitely joined the hippie music culture, and my brother is responsible for it.


  1. I think it's cool that by playing a certain instrument you were able to discover new kinds of music. I think it's really important to respect music. Once you have done something yourself, it's much easier to respect others who do it also.

  2. I think that growing up around a certain type of music is definately going to influence what you listen to. I also think that part of the reson you went back to your parents music is because of the life experiences that you associated with it. Growing up is like the funnest time ever! So if music makes you think of this part of your life then you're going to enjoy listening to it.

  3. I agree, i think what our siblings and parents listen to are definitely a huge part of our culture. I too enjoy the improv styles of jazz, and fusion and things of that nature. Its always interesting to me when people that perform these styles are able to change so many parts of a song, while still able to keep the song recognizable.
