January 26, 2010

Music and Sports

     One of the most common places people encounter music in a public setting is at sporting events.  Most events usually have some kind of sound system or speakers which they play music on.  The music is used as a way to get the players pumped up and get the audience into the action and feel of the game.  High school and college athletics also have live music, at least at the football and basketball games, in the form of a pep band or marching band.  Pep bands are usually much more effective in getting the crowd into the game, mostly because of the familiarity of the fight songs to the home crowd.  When the band starts playing, the audience starts singing and cheering along.
     As a member of the BSC pep band (soon to be marching band) I get a lot of joy out of playing these songs and contributing to the atmosphere of the game.  We have been told many times how much more enjoyable we make games, especially for the players.  In the words of one football player, it makes them feel like they are "playing a real football game."

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that bands make football games better. There is nothing like listening to a cool beat or song that a band plays on friday nights in high school or saturday afternoons. Hopefully next year yall will have a good marching band.
